Product ThinkingEstimationMetricsBehavioural Questions

Cab Drivers Revenue

How much does a cab driver make per year in the US?

Clarify question

  • Which city is the driver in? New York
  • Assumed he is an fairly active driver who works for 8 hours a day

Estimate the numbers

  • Fare per mile = 3.5$
  • Avg miles per trip = 3
  • Gas cost per mile = 0.2$
  • Uber Commission = 30%
  • Trips per day = 2 trips per hour * 8 hours = 16 trips per day

Estimate with equation

  • Per day revenue = Trips per day * avg miles per trip * (fare per mile * Excluding Uber commission - gas cost)
  • Per day revenue = 163(3.5*0.7 - 0.2) = 108$ per day
  • Per year = 52 weeks * 5 days per week * 108 = 28000$ per year

State your assumptions

  • Seasonality not factored, Surge not factored
  • Wait time, base fare not included
  • Commission assumed to be 30%

Sense Check

  • You know that average driver earns about 40-50k $ per year. Maybe we should factor in the base fare as the mileage is about 3 only and the commission to be 20%;
  • Also let us factor wait time, Surge to be about 10% additional
  • Base fare say 2.5$ initial charge ⇒ 525162.50.7 = 7280$
  • Recalculate: at 20% commission, it works out to 125525 = 32500$ and with base fare also it is 32500 + 7280 = 39780$
  • 10% for wait time, surge extra. Total = 1.1 * 39780 = 43750$